こども防災協会 鹿島 美織です。
Nature Adventure & Disaster Prevention Camp [Umi no Bouken] was held at the Osaka Prefectural Youth Ocean Center on August 27 (Sat.) and 28 (Sun.), 2022.
Blessed with fine weather, participants enjoyed activities in nature to the fullest, such as assembling and piloting sailboats and learning about wind speed. Here are some photos of the camp.

キャンプ概要 Camp summary
会場 / Venue:大阪府立青少年海洋センター The Osaka Prefectural Youth Ocean Center
参加者合計 / Total:76名
ー小学生 / elementary school student:59名
ー外国人ボランティア / International volunteer:11名
ースタッフ / staff :4名
ーバス運転手 / bus driver:2名
【外国人ボランティア出身国/Country of origin of foreign volunteers】
China, Thailand, Vietnam, India, Egypt, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Tunisia, Sudan
力を合わせてヨットを組み立て / Working together to assemble the yacht
Ten people in one team work together to carry out the hull, attach the sails, and secure them with ropes.

Even though the process was complicated in some parts, the volunteers listened to the staff and said, “I want to do it by myself!” The kids were very proactive for the all process.

Two people take turns on board the yacht. The person in front controls the sails to move forward, while the person in the back controls the rudder to control the direction of travel. The team sets off for the buoys offshore.

ヨットの操縦 / Sailing a yacht
After reaching to the marker buoys, the teams turned around and returned to land. All teams seemed to be having a hard time turning around when turning back.

The wind was very calm that day, so when the wind alone could not drive us forward, we managed to paddle forward by ourselves. In the latter half of the day, every pair seemed to be getting the hang of it.

In the end, all teams were able to achieve the goal.
海水浴で息抜き / Relaxing at the beach
After a long day on the yacht, we will take a refreshing dip in the sea! Getting to know the new friends and foreign volunteers we met at the camp.

風の王さま / King of the wind
Children are asked to bring a stick and tie a piece of cloth around it to create a tool that allows them to visually judge the direction and strength of the wind.

Using it, the team set out to find “where the wind is strongest” and “where the wind is weakest”. When they find the “right place,” they call for volunteers and ask them to measure the wind speed with a wind gauge! then call for a volunteer to measure the wind speed with an anemometer.

When the wind speed is weaker or stronger than expected, they were like “Huh?”. When the wind speed was weaker or stronger than expected, some participants were disappointed. It was refreshing to see the wind, which we usually feel casually, from the perspective of its “speed.
国際交流 / International exchange
Time for international exchange, a regular event at every camp. Each volunteer explains about his/her country of origin, showing pictures and illustrations. This time we learned about greetings, culture, and history from volunteers from 9 different countries.

The children were very interested in the backgrounds of the volunteers who spent one night and two days with us. Some volunteers actually brought money and snacks from their own countries.
今回のキャンプでの学び / Learning from this camp
・ライフジャケットのつけかた / How to put on a life jacket
・風のよみかた / How to read the wind
・潮の満ち引きについて / how the tide goes out
・風速について / how fast the wind blows
In the process of working together on the program, we became good friends with the foreign volunteers. Even if they do not understand each other’s English or Japanese, if they have a desire to talk, they can communicate with each other in katakoto.
This experience is very important for the children. The staff sometimes helped the children to communicate with people of various nationalities, and it was a good opportunity for them to interact with people of different nationalities.

If you are interested in volunteer, please contact us via e-mail !