About KODOMO-BOUSAI Association
【Organizing Authority】
Children’s Disaster Prevention Association
【Our mission】
Increase the number of children who can survive under emergency situation for 72 hours, in any place, any time and even alone. To achieve this, bring up their skill to decide and take proper behavior.
◎ミッション いざという時、生きのびる(72時間)こどもを増やす
「いつ」、「どこで」、「ひとりでいても」。 こどもが自分で自分のいのちを守るために、 具体的に「判断」「行動」する力を育む ◎ビジョン すべてのこどもが、“いのち”の教育を受けられる社会へ 日本・世界の全てのこどもたちに、 災害時に“いのち”を守るための教育が届いている社会をつくる
Children can learn how to save their life to survive from disaster, and the society provides this opportunity.
こどもたちが “いのちを守るための教育“を受けられる社会へ
The objective of the camp: “Stay alive”
What will be the achievement of this camp:
The percentage to survive increases than before coming to the camp.
*There are many things we need to learn about life. A single day camp cannot make sure your survival. But still, we want to increase the probability to stay alive.
《どうなったら、このキャンプは成功?》 「生きのびる」確率が、キャンプに来る前よりもあがる!
※ いのちについて学ぶことはたくさん。 1日のキャンプで、必ず生きのびれるとは言えません。 それでも、生きのびる確率を少しでもあげたいと考えています。
Definition of “Disaster”
1. War and armed conflict
2. HumanitarianかArtificial disaster (Accident, fire, infectious disease)
3. Natural disaster (Earthquake, Typhoon, Flood, Tsunami, Volcano eruption. droughtかclimate change related disaster)
People lose their life, property or their community by above events, we define this as “Disaster”
① 戦争や武力紛争
② 人為的事故(事故・火事・伝染病)
③ 自然の現象(地震・台風・洪水・津波・噴火・旱魃かんばつ)
After 311 disaster, we started volunteer activities and the parts of us are sufferer.
Some of our family died by the disaster. Seven years passed.
It is so hard but possible for people to rebuild houses and buildings. It is so hard but possible for people to reconstructing jobs. But it is impossible for people to regain the lives. There is no longer any possible way of facing our children’s smile. We don’t want anybody to be kept sad and heartbroken with losing the precious.
It is also difficult for adult to judge and action with disaster. Children don’t learn with boring lessons.
【Co-sponsored organizations】
Guruguru Cheer-up Supporters
Our organization was founded 2 months after the March 11th, 2011 Earthquake that devastated the Tohoku Region and have organized efforts in the Miyagi Prefecture, the Fukushima Prefecture and the Iwate Prefecture to assist with recovery efforts and to provide emotional/psychological support to the children who have been affected by the disaster.
Many people, including children were affected psychologically by the aftermath of the 2011 Disaster.